Can You Handle This?

Artist: Crushead
Label: Independent
Released: 2004
Type: Full-Length
Rating: This album has not yet been rated.

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Released in 2004, this is the band's third album.
As the drummer David Loeffler spent a year in Mali, Markus Kern (Capewalk) jumped in and played on all songs of the album "Space Between", except for "Yes". When Matthias Ebinger and Martin Scherrmann were unable to play the guitar, Tobias Lampert or Hannes Butzer came into action.


Patrick Reusch - Vocals
Matthias D. Ebinger - Guitar
Martin "Schemme" Scherrmann - Guitar
Jens Rominger - Bass


Tobias Lampert - Guitar
Hannes Butzer - Guitar
Markus Kern (Capewalk) - Drums

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