Artist: KillDevil Theory
Label: Independent
Released: 2017
Type: Full-Length
Rating: This album has not yet been rated.
Released independently November 24, 2017, KDT (KillDevil Theory) consists of a double CD Set including the full album of 12 songs and 8 instrumentals. This album contains a couple of progressive rock songs (Crossroads, Make Me Broken) with lots of twists and turns, some uptempo high adrenaline metal songs (Ambushed), a couple songs with a nice groove and some crunchy guitar (Hysterium, Maggots).
"KDT provides a window into the struggle we all face when obstacles, rejection and the unexpected is thrown in our path. These songs will encourage, uplift, comfort and entertain through multiple genres of rock music. We have been so blessed to play this music and enjoy the support and encouragement of our amazing fans and want to carry this message to more people." ~ Curtis Crane
Marlena Evans - Vocals
Deanna Crane - Vocals/Keyboards
Curtis Crane - Lead Guitar
Mike Gonzalez - Bass
Richard Burton - Drums
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