Keep Us DEAD...

Support Us

  • Keep us in your prayers.
  • Buy D2S T-shirts, wristbands, etc. from The Dead Zone.
  • Use our links to purchase products. (We get a small percentage which we use to purchase music.)
  • Send us amazon Gift Cards for music purchases (
  • Make a donation.
Please note: D2S Radio is not a 501(3)(c) and contributions are not tax-deductible.

Get DEADer

Every visitor to the website can make 5 song requests per hour. These requests are played, usually after 1 hour, but sometimes longer depending on other songs that have been played because of randomization in the radio station software and DMCA rules for Internet radio stations and Webcasters.
When someone becomes a "Dead For Life" member by registering on our Forum, they are allowed 1 Quick Play (QP) request per day. Requests made using the Quick Play buttons are played much quicker. QPs are earned by posting on the Forum and getting promoted to higher levels. 50 posts are required to reach the second level, 100 posts for the third level, 250 for the fourth and 500 for the fifth (highest) level..
We also periodically run contests to win QPs.
Members who would like to support the website through donations can also get QPs.


Donate $10.00 and get a Quick Play (+1) upgrade for one month.


Donate $25.00 and get a Quick Play (+1) upgrade for three months.


Donate $100.00 and get a Quick Play (+1) upgrade for one year.


Donate $250.00 and get a Quick Play (+1) upgrade permanently.

Donate Any Amount

To Mail Donation...

Please make them out to Tom Johns and mail to:
Dead To Self Radio c/o Tom Johns
P.O. Box 94
Cosmopolis, WA


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