Liberty Or Death

Artist: Godsent Humans
Label: New Breed
Released: 1992
Type: Full-Length
Rating: This album has not yet been rated.

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Released independently by the band in 1992, this is their debut full-length album.
The statement "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death" was originally coined by Patrick Henry in his famous speech back in 1775.
"...What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?
Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"

~ Patrick Henry
It's interesting that in Patrick Henry's speech, he was petitioning and calling Americans to arms to gain freedom of slavery from King George III of Great Britain. We find some similarities to Patrick Henry's situation within Godsent Humans' 1992 'Liberty or Death' demo. Godsent Humans are longing for mankind to petition to "King Jesus" to spiritually set them free from slavery and the bonds of sin.


George Everman - Vocals
Tony Aguon - Guitars/Background Vocals
Biker James Rasmussen - Bass/Background Vocals
Greg Baker - Drums


Sid Arthur Fixx - Vocals
Kevin Kribs - Guitars
Big Dan Kirkland - Guitars
Levi Romo - Drums

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