Monster Hunter

Artist: The Hero
Label: Independent
Released: 2024
Type: Full-Length
Rating: This album has not yet been rated.

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Released independently by the band in 2024, the album features the band's signature gothic, rock and metal tunes including songs like "We must never forget" which is a personal touch about the terrible war crime against the Jews in Auswitch. "Mayday Mayhem" is about the gang war that rages on in Sweden right now. And in the title track "Monster Hunter" we declare war against all kinds of evil in the world right now, and this is the main theme throughout the album.
We, The Hero are ready to strike, Music and Faith are our weapons and we are the mighty MONSTER HUNTERS!


Michael Hero (Sons Of Thunder) - Vocals/Guitars
Emanuel Wärja - Guitars/Background Vocals
Patrick Hero - Bass
Daniel "Davy Doom" Mouton - Drums

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