Artist: Inside Mankind
Label: QuaRock Records
Released: 2015
Type: Full-Length
Rating: This album has not yet been rated.
Released January 30, 2015 on Qua'Rock Records, this is the Italian band's first full-length album.
Starting from the title. Greek term often Italianized in Ecumene, Oikoumene is a passive average participle of the verb "live". It indicated the portion of Earth known and populated by man, for which Oikoumene is "la house where we all live ". A record, in essence, that starts from life.
Fear, joy, anger, disappointment, love, and anything else that structures our life is as strong as it is
incomprehensible, as present as it is futile; an overwhelming mystery for the man who, alone, it limits itself to observing it without being able to understand it, and yet it does not resign itself.
It is in this dimension that the need for God dwells, in its most intimate and original form.
It is in Him that we could glimpse its meaning, elusive but present.
Oikoumene, from an objective point of view, is an example of inconsistency, because these are our
experiences. We know sweetness, violence, greatness and baseness, death and life.
To the same extent, the different passages of this debut approach each other, in time and space, to the
equal to our stories. Disparate are the musical influences and the intertwined artistic paths in the same way, sometimes concordant, sometimes strident.
The artwork draws on 7 symbols, including between the Paleochristian and the Renaissance tradition; the
main of these, the solid deformed in the center, is a metaphor of the concept of the disk, from an anecdote historian who has as protagonists Vasari and Michelangelo.
Recorded between May and September 2014 At La Fucina Studio (Limite Sull' Arno, Firenze, Italy) and 121 Decibel Studio (Bagno A Ripoli, Firenze Italy)
Claire Briant (JMP JAM MOVIE Project, Hyaena) - Vocals
Francesco Monaci (Damness, Diadema) - Guitars
Christian Luconi (Violent Sun) - Bass
Matteo Bidini - Drums
Valerio Dalla Ragione - Keyboards
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