...Said The Liar

Artist: This City Awaits
Label: Red Cord Records
Released: 2013
Type: Full-Length
Rating: This album has not yet been rated.

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This City Awaits (Phillip Ivey, Darah Hubbard, and Kyle Ross) released its sophomore full length album, Said the Liar in 2013. The album, released via Red Cord Records, boasts a sound similar to that of its 2011 debut, code red: URGENCY. And much like that album, this release is a fit for anyone that is a fan of the likes of Chevelle or Thursday. Its mix of mainstream rock and emo sensibilities treads a line so fine that given the right support, it could actually become popular with even more audiences. That is to say that the band could actually gain mainstream popularity with support from mainstream radio programmers, considering its similarities to those bands.


Phillip Ivey - Vocals/Guitars/Bass
Kyle Ross - Guitars
Darah Hubbard - Drums

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