Andy J. Fredes
Country: United States of America
Genre: Power Metal/Instrumental Rock
Born in Uruguay in 1968 Andy grew up under a right wing military government that made many Uruguayan families leave the country or face persecution, torture and even death. The Fredes' stayed in the country and survived by God's grace. At high school, Andy got in contact with a radio show called Meridiano Juvenil where he started listening to Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, the Spanish Baron Rojo, and he chose his path as a metal musician for a vehicle to fight tyranny and oppression.
At the age of 18 he went to Brazil, later he lived In Argentina, recorded many demos and started a few bands. He also trained in martial arts and soon street fighting and drug abuse became a part of his life. In 1997 he surrender his life To Jesus Christ. No rehab was needed to quit a 15 years addiction to cocaine, God still does miracles and gives purpose in life. In the year 2000, his band Guerra Santa became the first Christian Metal Band in Uruguay to play outside Churches and reach out to the real METAL HEADS with a different message, Sebastian Rebollo on drums and Sebastian Cobas on bass completed the line up.
A demo was recorded but, due to low resources and low quality of the local studios, was left in the past.
He left Uruguay in the year 2002 and moved to California to help the local Church to reach out to rockers with his music. Sadly the Hispanic church rejected his ministry due to his long hair and tattoos until he met Dave Maciel, Worship Director at Downey First Christian Church, who decided to record Andy's first EP as a soloist.
Faithful to his call, determined to reach his people with a living message in his songs, Andy J. Fredes will keep fighting the good fight with Real Metal Music and sharp lyrics capable of challenging our deepest ideals and traditions.
Keep rocking in the light of The Almighty!!!