Blues Counsel

Country: United States of America
Genre: Hard Rock/Blues Rock

Blues Counsel started in 1987 as the unnamed Jam Band for the Kingdom Bound Christian Music Festival outside of Buffalo, NY. Some members have played together since the mid-seventies and even the newest members have been with the band for over 20 years. Each member has a rich musical history with Blues Counsel as their touch point, playing together as often as they can. Like close friends whose conversation always picks up where it left off, no matter how much time has past, Blues Counsel's eclectic blend of Blues, Rock and a touch of Latin continues to deliver therapy for your soul.
Blues Counsel are: Tom Lane, Guitar/Vocals; Will McFarlane, Guitar/Vocals; Tony Hooper, Guitar/Vocals/Keys; Anthony Morra, Drums; Emedin Rivera, Percussion; Rick Cua, Bass/Vocals


Slow Demolition

Added: 12/12/2022

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