Cord Of 3

Country: United States of America
Genre: Alternative Rock

Cord of 3 is an American rock band, originally formed in Bowling Green, KY. The name refers to a paraphrasing of a popular Bible verse in Ecclesiastes 4:12 (Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.) The lead singer Erskine, is noted for wearing a traditional Scottish kilt during the band's live performances, this is due to his very proud Scottish heritage. And usual plays a brief assortment of songs on the bagpipes before each live performance.
In February 2013, the band's bass player, Brandon Bradshaw (pictured in frame), was shot during a road-rage incident in Bowling Green, KY, succumbing four days later from his wounds. In 2015, Erskine/Bennett changed the name of the band to Black Masquerade and released the Freak Show EP.

R.I.P. Brandon Bradshaw: September 16, 1985 - February 26, 2013


Broken But Undeniably Hopeful

Added: 11/30/2022

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