
Country: Switzerland
Genre: Progressive Metal

Mirayon was created in 2015 when Dario Colombo and Cyril Stoller decided after a long period of time with their band Liquid Rain to break new ground in music. The goal was not a new band with permanent members and individual songs that would then be formed into an album, but something that could be compared to a musical: An album should tell a whole story with music and lyrics. Mirayon's vision is to say through music and text what cannot be said through the word alone. The project wants to make visible what is invisible: There is good in the world. But what is contrary to the good should not be concealed. Mirayon wants to tell a story and invites the listeners to recognize themselves in this story.
The name Mirayon is a word creation from Mir (from Latin mirari = to be amazed / admire) and Ayon (Greek for lifetime). The Latin word mirari later became the English mirror. So the name Mirayon has two meanings. First, in our lifetime we never want to forget to marvel and admire creation. Second, we see Mirayon as a mirror that should help us to reflect and hopefully also help the listeners to reflect.
First, Cyril and Dario began with a story about freedom, which is so much praised today. Our society offers almost unlimited possibilities. Entertainment is instant, free, effortless, and anonymous. This promises freedom in an unprecedented form. Without underestimating this value, they nonetheless raised the question of whether being able to do anything at any time is actually true freedom. The experience of many people casts doubt on this statement and testifies that freedom, understood in this way, often leads to the opposite: dependency. The story dealt with a delicate subject: adult entertainment on the Internet. The two were and are convinced that the possibility of being able to look at everything on the Internet has little to do with real freedom, but rather diminishes it. That is why the album bears the paradoxical title: Eyes trapped by Freedom.
In 2017, after two years of working on this album, things turned out differently than we expected or hoped - as is so often the case. Although almost finished, the project ended up being too big to actually be produced. So it had to be buried shortly before it was born.
After a break of almost two years, a fateful coincidence led to the Mirayon project being resurrected in 2019. Daniel Schmid, then a distant musician with whom Cyril and Dario had already worked on the Organ Meets Metal project, asked Cyril whether he would be a musician for his master's degree at the HKB Bern. Two weeks later, how could it be otherwise, he also asked Dario. It turned out that Daniel had composed the roughly twenty-five minute musical work with a surprisingly similar vision and in a musically closely related manner. It was immediately clear to Dario that this work would be worth it as a Mirayon project to be completed and produced as an album: Mirayon was risen.
Since Daniel, Dario and Cyril had already worked a lot with Silas Bitterli, it was obvious to ask him as a singer. The jointly prepared and performed concert for Daniel's master's final examination and the newly awakened motivation for the Mirayon project ultimately led Daniel and Silas to decide not only to play a one-time role as musicians at Mirayon, but also to contribute to the larger vision: to make visible, what is invisible and to tell a story in which the listener can find himself or herself.
The work, originally composed by Daniel for the master's final exam, was released in 2019 and produced in spring 2020. It is entitled A Tale of Challenging Hope and tells the personal story of Daniel Schmid: his path as a musician in the belief that there is a God who loves us, but also challenges us again and again, because we often find ourselves in our own Lose wrong ways, also want to free ourselves. Therefore the work tells a story of challenging hope, because the challenge, so the belief, serves our best.


A Tale Of Challenging Hope

Added: 08/07/2023

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