Modern Day John

Country: United States of America
Genre: Alternative Rock

Modern Day John was an American rock band from 1998 to 2003 hailing from Sugar Land, TX. Band members included Mark Schinzler (vocals), Chris Goodwin (bass), Dan Payne (drums) and Freddy Hinojosa (guitar). MDJ received national airplay on Christian Rock radio, college radio and local rock stations around the country. Their most notable songs were Disdain, Autumn and Emanate.
Since disbanding, two other bands were formed by members of MDJ: Letters of Warning and Eldridge. LOW was a short lived, female fronted project formed in 2003 by Hinojosa and Payne. Eldridge was formed by Goodwin in 2003 and has since reunited drummer Dan Payne with bassist and vocalist Chris Goodwin in the band Eldridge, which is making its own waves in the music world.



Added: 08/07/2023

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