Post Mortum

Country: United States of America
Genre: Alternative Rock/Alternative Metal/Hardcore

In the center of America's heartland where there is little to do but watch the corn grow, Post Mortum set the example of rising against the odds to pursue dreams regardless of the cost. As just a bunch of kids finishing high school, the band prioritized their lives, focusing on what they wanted to do and who they wanted to be.
Post Mortum faced a whole new set of challenges as they left the comforts of their homes and began extensively touring the country. Band members came and went as marriages, finances, and strenuous schedules proved overbearing to some. Yet the band continued to move forward with a growing tour schedule as they inked a deal with Ocean View Records and released their first national release, Road Ahead, in 2007. "Drip", the first single off of Road Ahead quickly reached number two on CMJ radio charts and remained there for nine weeks, as the album swept across the country and overseas.
"The biggest challenge we ever faced came in the spring of 2008," Brysson tells. "The band was sailing high with their Road Ahead release and a nine-month touring schedule already booked solid, but three weeks into the tour frontman Dru Yost unexpectedly left the band. Directly following his departure was the death of a close friend and two family members, two robberies, and an encounter with a hit-and-run 18-wheeler which left the band mourning for loved ones, with no laptops, no clothes, no violin, and no trailer. Yet somehow they only canceled two shows." Drummer Dan Miller remembers asking a stranger to use their computer just to look at the band's website for their tour schedule so they could figure out where to go next.
Meanwhile, instead of supporting the band, Ocean View Records dropped Post Mortum from the label. "In the midst of a crowded downtown Memphis, TN, I've never felt so alone, deserted, and betrayed in my life," recalls Brysson. "I felt like the world had turned its back on me. All we had was each other, and I questioned why we were doing this. The lyrics in the chorus of 'Dysfunction' were repeating over and over in my head. Lord I'm scared, wake me from this nightmare." But instead of giving up and returning home, Post Mortum only grew closer and more focused as they kept pushing forward.
Having been pummeled by a whirlwind of disaster, Post Mortum has continued to stand firm and rise above it all. "These trials have taught us life lessons of who we really are and what really matters in life," says violinist DeRock. Post Mortum's song "Still Alive" has taken a new deep, personal meaning in the band. I've been through the utmost pain, nothing to live for, nothing to gain... But an array of hope shines through as the dark verse reaches the chorus, But now I'm still alive... climaxing to the inspirational breakdown, Never can I die!! Never can I die!! "The song has become an anthem to us," states vocalist/bassist AP.


Rise Above Ruin

Added: 02/24/2022

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