
Country: United States of America
Genre: Alternative Metal

Remedy is a Christian Alternative Metal band out of Colorado featuring Dylan Shutt, Nicholas Wood and Stephen Haw.
Dylan grew up in the small country town of Platteville, Colorado, a town of approximately 2,700 people. Living on the outskirts of town, he often found himself wanting to pursue an investment in music. At the age of 12, he began playing guitar, and long story short, he never put it down. At the age of 18, Dylan stumbled across another guitarist his age by the name of Nicholas Wood.
Nicholas grew up 30 miles away in the town of Eaton. The boys shared the same tastes in music, and were both faithful Christian dudes with dreams in mind. After months of getting to know each other, they began seeking creativity within the neck of a guitar. As Dylan's faith is a huge priority to him, he felt called to start a band which was full of passion, healing, and hope. At that point in time, the Remedy spark was born and Nicholas and Dylan went straight into writing music.
Nicholas came to Dylan regarding a need for a bass player, and had someone in mind immediately. That someone being Stephen Haw. Stephen had graduated in Eaton, yet lived in Platteville about three miles away from Dylan. Stephen's Jazz background brings a completely different style of bass playing into rock music, as he plays both electric bass and upright.


The Villain In Me

Added: 02/25/2022

The Fire

Added: 07/15/2022

Bring The Rain

Added: 02/05/2024


Added: 04/16/2024

The Dawn

Added: 04/16/2024