Country: Norway
Genre: Death Metal
Forged together amongst a growing extreme music environment in Norway in the mid 90's, Vardøger first started their musical path deeply rooted in Norwegian folk music and later adapted to Viking metal. As the members where occupied in different project, nothing really materialized, and the band was only considered a side project with no real plans on any release. It wasn't until 2003 they were talked into releasing an EP with a collection of songs written around 1996-97. In later years, The EP "Whitefrozen" has been considered a classic.
The last live concert was played in 2006, but the band decided to break up and call it a day because of lack of dedication. It wasn't until 2010 that the founding members Robert Bordevik (Grievance, Antestor) and Peter Dalbakk (Schaliach, Fleshkiller) decided to give Vardøger a new chance and in the process create the album they'd always wanted to write. With a new line up, they had a full upgrade on their songwriting and totally reinvented themselves. With endless effort, hard work and dedication their fresh new sound materialized against all odds. The line-up consists of: Henning Ramseth (Ramzet, Return) on bass. Alexander Dalbakk/Guitar. Johanne B. Bordevik/Vocals. Knut Anders Sørum/Vocals. Jo Henning Børven (Grave Declaration, Antestor) Drums.
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