White Collar Sideshow

Country: United States of America
Genre: Industrial/Shock Rock

Established in 2006, White Collar Sideshow is an indestructible Shock-n-Roll husband/wife duo hailing from Arkansas. The sound is a macabre mashup of country, metal and industrial. An original film plays on stage while drums, bass and vocals provide the live soundtrack. The video is a nod to Twilight Zone and Sin City while the live characters draw in the crowd for a truly memorable experience.
Since the band's beginnings, they have comprised of TD (drums and vocals) and Veronica (bass and vocals) and have intertwined its love of cinema and heart-pounding rock to create a visual and audio spectacle. Often compared to the style of Rob Zombie and Nine Inch Nails, they have toured 46 states, New Zealand, Germany, Poland, Brazil and Chile.
"Music and Film have become our excuse to hang out with people. Together we can share our stories to help each other realize we are not alone." ~ WCS


The Witchunt

Added: 03/09/2022

I Didnt Come Here To Die

Added: 03/09/2022

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