Cerebral Contamination

Artist: Revulsed
Album: Cerebral Contamination
Length: 1:45
Genre: Death Metal

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Cortex, Corruption, Severed Synapts
Cerebellum Rewritten
Cerebral Contamination

Foreign, Ideology Penetrates
Permeation Of Calamity
Cranial Disintegration

Legitimate, Intellect, Moribund
Irreversible, Pollution
Analytical Extinction

Complacency, Breeding Contempt
Systematic, Calculated
Perverted Destruction

Social, Structure Undone
Festering, Resentment
Unrestrained Obliteration

Indentured, Servitude Oblivious
Timeless, Unending
Discarding Retribution

Cerebral Contamination

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