The Letter Black

Artist: The Letter Black
Label: RockFest Records
Released: 2021
Type: Full-Length
Rating: This album has not yet been rated.

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This is the band's fourth full-length studio album, a confident self-titled album confirming that the band has fully come into their own. This is the band's first release in partnership with RockFest Records.
"It's about confidence, not arrogance," lead singer Sarah Anthony reflects. "We're finally comfortable and know who we are. We've become better songwriters, we're settled in the band, and in life in general."
That confidence became a crucial asset for Sarah and Mark Anthony, the couple who leads The Letter Black. As they found themselves unexpectedly at home throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, they used it as an opportunity to launch into the most collaborative creative process they've ever attempted. "I think that's what makes this the best record, because it was truly Mark and Sarah, in a room, figuring out what's fun and not trying to worry about what we have to do to appease anyone else," Mark Anthony remembers.
The result is a blistering set of rock anthems ranging from the empowering "Rise," to the gut-wrenching suicide prevention centered "Kiss of Death," to the scorching Trevor McNevan collaboration "Born for This." The band shows off their always riff-ready musical chops through cuts like "Throwing Darts," the album also showcases experimental moments with an electronic flavor like "Let You Go." Throughout all of it, confidence is at the core.
"Be strong and confident," Sarah concludes as she thinks about the album's core message. "Put your shoulders up, lift your head high, take a deep breath and go. Whatever that looks like in your personal life, I hope you have renewed strength and maybe even a smile on your face."
~New Release Tuesday


Sarah Anthony (Breaking The Silence) - Lead Vocals
Mark Anthony (Breaking The Silence) – Lead Guitar/Vocals
Matt Beal (Breaking The Silence) – Bass
Will Fowler – Drums


Trevor McNevan (Thousand Foot Krutch) - Vocals
Blake Whitely - Vocals

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